Understanding the UK giving landscape

5/4/2019 - UK Giving is the largest multi-year study of giving behaviour in the UK.
The findings of the 2019 edition are based on monthly interviews and includes a yearly total of more than 12,000 individual interviews.
The report, that can be downloaded on the site of CAF (Charities Aid Foundation), will help you understand who gives to charity, what causes they support and how they like to support them.
The analysis of the 2019 edition provides these key findings for individual giving in the UK in 2018:

  • The number of people reporting having participated in charitable or social activities in the previous four weeks has decreased over the last three years. But with 64% of people taking part in charitable activities, participation remains high.
  • The proportion of people giving money to charity either by donating or via sponsorship has seen a steady decline between 2016 and 2018 (69% to 65% in 2018).
  • Although fewer people report that they are giving money, those who do give are giving higher amounts.
    Overall, the total amount given to charity in 2018 remains largely the same as 2017 at £10.1billion.
  • Trust in charities has decreased signficantly since 2016 from 51% to 48% agreeing that they believe charities to be trustworthy.
  • In 2018 children/young people and animal welfare jointly lead the list of the causes people say they donate to, with 26% of people saying they gave to each of those causes in the past month.
  • Peak months for giving money are November and December.
    This has become a yearly pattern largely due to established fundraising campaigns over these months – these are also the main months for donating with cash.
  • Fewer people say they have been approached to donate money than in previous years in a variety of ways: on the street, door to door and particularly direct mail (fallen from 28% in 2016 to 23% in 2018).
  • Rates of volunteering remain stable, as do the proportion of people giving goods to a charitable cause.

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) - 'UK Giving 2019'

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Interesting trends

1 - How often you give to charity ?

2 - Proportion of donations by each cause

3 - Giving methods


4 - Being asked to give

The research also asked people, regardless of their giving behavior, how they had been asked to give to charity in the last four weeks.
The most common way people reported being approached to donate was on the street (35%), followed by television (26%) and via direct mail (23%).