Latest edition of the Civil Almanac
27/11/2022 - Belgian fundraising organisations miss reliable statistics that could offer a comprehensive picture of the various sources related to voluntary income, as well as their evolution : gifts, legacies, etc.
The 2021 edition of the British 'NCVO Almanac' offers an interesting example of such comprehensive statistical report. NCVO collected a large sample of about 10,000 annual reports and used machine learning to classify and sort these.
According to the Civil Almanac 2022 edition :
- Half of all voluntary sector income comes from the public, followed by a quarter from the government
- Income from the public and investment have risen while government income has fallen
- Smaller organisations get a greater share of their income from the public.
Environmental and parent-teacher organisations in particular depend on the public for more than 70% of their income.
Bigger organisations are growing faster
The number of bigger organisations has continued to grow, and they receive an increasing amount and share of the sector’s total income.
Voluntary income (charges for services, gifts, legacies,...) : 48% of all income
The public is, and has always been, the largest source of income for the voluntary sector, contributing £27.1bn or 48% of all income. Income from the public comes in various forms, including donations and legacies, membership fees or charges for services, and income from trading activities like charity shops.
According to the Almanac donations are the majority income source for 24% of all organisations, the same proportion as providing services to the public.Fundraisers would appreciate to have a more precise view on the evolution of income sources specifically related to generosity : gifts and legacies.
Fundraising costs
Micro, small, and medium-sized organisations spent a lower proportion (between 1% and 2.2%) on activities for raising funds than larger organisations. They also spent a higher share on governance costs. Micro and small organisations in particular also spent a higher percent on grants (23%).
- 'UK Civil Almanac 2021 - Chapter Financials' (link)
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