The aim of the campaign is to reignite people’s belief in International Aid

URG We the Helpers14/03/2022 - This new national campaign, supported by a video-clip, is designed to specifically target an audience they term as ‘Conscientious Cynics’.
These are people who care deeply about global issues, but have lost hope in the work of organisations engaged in global sustainable development.
They have stopped believing that they can make a difference or impact through charitable contributions.
The aim of the campaign is 'to reignite people’s belief in International Aid giving them a renewed emotional connection to the sector with a call to arms to join ‘The Helpers', through the use of a short film and accompanying media coverage.

The campaign is being run as a test and will be subject to a thorough measurement and learning analysis to determine the future of the project.  

The Aid Alliance
The Aid Alliance brings people and organisations together to defend the 0.7% aid spending commitment in the 2015 International Development Act, as well as raise awareness and change public perceptions on aid and development

- We the helpers (link)
- Aid Alliance (link)
- Fundraising.UK (24/01/2022) - 'UK international aid charities unite in major awareness building campaign' (link)
- We the Helpers’. White Saviourism or a Smart Defence of Aid? (link)


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