Legacy Giving logoNew articles since september 2021

1 - English version


All articles (English version) are available through this link

Guest blog “Does your heart belong to me?!”
Guest blog Monika Willich shares the three biggest mistakes in donor relationship management

Richard Radcliffe: Legacy giving in Europe can explode 
Richard Radcliffe’s view on legacy giving in Europe nowadays. An energetic talk about chances, barriers, and even meerkats and elephants!

Why the settlement of legacies is also part of legacy fundraising
Three thoughts that underline the essential role legacy administration plays in legacy fundraising.

Rob Cope on how to change hearts and minds of the general public
We talked with Rob Cope about how cutting edge consumer campaigns stimulate legacy giving to a wide audience

International Legacy Giving Day
Every year on September the 13th, charities and legacy consortia worldwide join forces to celebrate International Legacy Giving Day to honor and thank all supporters who had left a gift in their will to a good cause.

5 mistakes that charities make in their legacy programme.
Guest blog – Sanita Guddu shares the top five mistakes charities make in their legacy programme.

Legacy fundraising is about life!
Many people think, which is very logical, that legacy fundraising is about death but for everyone interested in this fantastic work field there is liberating news…

Looking back on 17 years cultivating relationships
Stewardship is indispensable within legacy fundraising. To understand more about it, we interviewed Karin Gerritsen. For the past 17 years, she has been a relationship manager for legacies at the WWF Netherlands – in her words ‘the best job there is’.Dutch interview of Elly about legacygiving.euVakblad fondsenwerving interviewed Elly about our website

Previous articles

 Previous articles available through this link:
-  Top 5 podcasts about legacy fundraising
- Meg Abdy on differences and similarities of legacy fundraising across Europe
- 5 tips for succesfully integrating major and legacy fundraising
- Time for action! Why we have to invest in sustainable legacy fundraising
- How to convince your senior management to invest in legacy fundraising?
- Directness of the DutchLegacy fundraising is about life

2 - Nederlandse versie

All articles (Dutch version) are available through this link

Recent articles (2021)

- Het einde kroont het werk – waarom afwikkeling van nalatenschappen relevant is voor werving (link)
- Wat zijn drijfveren om na te laten aan een goed doel? (link)
- Hoe overtuig je jouw management om in legacy fundraising te investeren? (link)
- Legacy fundraising gaat over leven! (link)
- Ierland: Groei van 60% legacy giving in 5 jaar (link)
- Top 5 podcasts over legacy fundraising (link)
- Interview: Meg Abdy’s kijk op legacy fundraising in Europa (link)
- Elly Lont: 5 tips voor het integreren van major donor- en legacy fundraising5 tips voor het integreren van major donor- en legacy fundraising (link)

'Legacy Giving' platform: background

LEGS INT Legacy giving03/07/2021 - Voor Elly Lont en Lena Vizy, allebei legacy fundraisers in non-profit organisaties en medestichters van deze nieuwe non-profit informatie platform is 'dé inspiratiebron voor alle fondsenwervers die up-to-date willen blijven over legacy fundraising. Met blogs, interviews en interessant nieuws houden we je op de hoogte over de laatste ontwikkelingen binnen deze bijzondere vorm van fondsenwerving. 
Daarnaast is een platform om uitwisseling en inspiratie tussen elkaar te stimuleren.
Ook al is een Nederlands initiatief, de website focust bewust op internationale ontwikkelingen.'

-> Articles
    - 'Dutch interview of Elly about (Vakblad fondsenwerving interviewed Elly about our website) - link
   - ' – inspiratie voor het werven van nalatenschappen' - link

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