Legacies ToolsUn effort d'information peu coûteux mais parfois décisif

Les seniors sont très majoritairement actifs sur Internet. 
Soyons conscients de ce que, confrontés à diverses organisations caritatives dont seules certaines fournissent des informations relatives aux legs, certains testateurs privilégient les associations dont la communication leur parait plus claire ou plus mobilisatrice.
Si elle est de qualité (choix des visuels, etc.), la communication 'Legs' disponible sur votre site peut donc s'avérer décisive.

Comme indiqué ailleurs, cette information de base devrait idéalement aborder quatre thèmes:
- finalité du legs (bref rappel de la Mission et des valeurs pronées par l'organisation),
- présentation de notions juridiques élémentaires (dont le mécanisme 'legs-en-duo'),
- titre et coordonnées de la personne de contact 'Legs',
- témoignages de testateurs, ou à défaut de sympathisants qui expliquent leurs motivations

Bonne pratiques: exemples de pages d'information 'Legs' sur divers sites

Toute organisation gagne à s'inspirer des bonnes pratiques en matière de sensibilisation à la thématique des legs à finalité philanthropique.
Plusieurs liens vers les pages d'information 'Legs' de diverses institutions sont proposés ci-dessous.
Des données complémentaires sont fournies quant à la moyenne des recettes 'Legs' ainsi qu'à leur poids par rapport au total 'dons + legs' et au montant global des ressources.

11.11.11 Koepel van de Noord-Zuid Beweging
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 80.000 €
- 1 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 0,5 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Action Damien
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 4,1 m €
- 41 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 26 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Action Vivre Ensemble
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 45.000 €
- 6 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 6 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Aide à l'Eglise en Détresse - Kerk in Nood
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1,5 m €
- 42 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 42 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Alzheimer Belgique - Intern. Alzheimer's Foundation
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 260.000 €
- 92 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 67 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 380.000 €
- 77 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 72 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Amnesty Internationaal Vlaanderen
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 200.000 €
- 6 % of gifts+legacies during that period,  6 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Amnesty International Belgique francophone
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 480.000 €
- 16 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 9 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Association Muco Vereniging
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/-220.000 €
- 10 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 5 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Aviation sans Frontières - Piloten zonder Grenzen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  160.000 €
- 17 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 13 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-Infos Legaten (NL)

Banques Alimentaires (Fédération belge)  - Voedselbanken (Belgische Federatie)
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  190.000 €
- 10 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 8 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Blauwe Kruis Brugge - Dierenopvangcentrum
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  510.000 €
- 86 % of gifts+legacies during that period,  61 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Broederlijk Delen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1,1 m €
- 17 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 8 % of total income 2018

Caritas International
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1,9 m €
- 29 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 7 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Child Focus
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 190.000 €
- 7 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 4 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Croix-Rouge de Belgique
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 5,3 m €
- 48 % of gifts+legacies during that period
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 160.000 €
- 8 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 8 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

de Duve (Institut)
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 400.000 €
- 28 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 12 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Enfants du Monde
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 72.000 €
- 11 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 10 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Entraide & Fraternité
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 140.000 €
- 8 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 3 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 930.000 €
-  69 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 66 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Espace Social - Tele-Service
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 0,9 m €
- 85 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 39 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Fédération Froidure
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/_ 220.000 €
- 52 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 44 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

FNRS - Télévie
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 6,8 m €
- 38 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 38 % of total income 2018

Fondation contre le Cancer - Stichting tegen Kanker
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 21,2 m €
- 67 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 53 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Fondation des Brûlés - Brandwonden Stichting
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 230.000 m €
- 15 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 10 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Fondation Louvain
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1,8 m €
- 27 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 20 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Fondation Roi Baudouin
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  3,9 m €
- 85 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 3 % of total income 2018

Fondation Saint-Luc
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  0,5 m €
- 10 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 8 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Fonds pour la Chirurgie Cardiaque - Fonds voor Hartchirurgie
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 0,6 m €
- 77 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 76 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Fracarita Belgium
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 70.000 €
- 4 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 3 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average: 1,8 m €
- 43 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 43 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 0,9 m €
- 11 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 10 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Handicap International
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1 m €
- 21 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 9 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Iles de Paix
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 460.000 €
- 39 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 7 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Kom op tegen Kanker
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average: 9,7 m €
- 53 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 86 % of total income during that period
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

KU Leuven Universiteitsfonds
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 6,6 m €
- 55 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 29 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

La Lumière
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 2,6 m €
- 87 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 60 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Les Amis des Aveugles - Vrienden der Blinden
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 3,6 m €
- 73 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 68 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Les Petits Riens - Spullenhulp
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 15.000 €
- 3 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 0,1 % of total income 2018

Ligue Alzheimer
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 180.000 €
- 76 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 31 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Ligue Braille - Brailleliga
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

L'Ilôt - Maisons d'Accueil - 't Eilandje
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 83.000 €
- 12 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 2 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Lumière pour le Monde - Licht voor de Wereld
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 0,6 m €
- 21 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 14 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Mamas for Africa
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 110.000 €
- 14 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 14 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Médecins du Monde - Dokters van de Wereld
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  0,61 m €
- 13 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 3 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Médecins sans Frontières - Artsen zonder Grenzen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 12,6 m €
- 29 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 4 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Médecins sans Vacances - Artsen zonder Vakantie
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 0,73 m €
- 26 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 18 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 0,41 m €
- 14 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 3 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1,4 m €
- 54 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 48 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

MS Liga - Multiple Sclerose Liga Vlaanderen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 0,55 m €
- 46 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 23 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 650.000 €
- 17 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 17 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Nos Petits Orphelins - Onze Kleine Weeskinderen (Fondation/Stichting)
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average: +/- 370.000 m €
- 36 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 36 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 250.000 €
- 79 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 37 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

OSEJTM (JRS Belgium)
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 150.000 €
- 9 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 9 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Oxfam Solidarité - Oxfam Solidariteit
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 620.000 €
- 7 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 2 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Pelicano Foundation
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  0,8 m €
- 36 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 36 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Plan International
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  325.000 €
- 3 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 2 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: +/- 280.000 €
- 42 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 40 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Restos du Coeur (Fédération des - )
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 420.000 €
- 20 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 20 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  390.000 €
- 18 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 4 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Rode Kruis Vlaanderen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 6 m €
- 39 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 29 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Salus Sanguinis
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 60.000 €
- 42 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 42 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

Salvatoriaanse Hulpactie
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  480.000 €
- 45 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 23 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (NL)

Sans Collier
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 1,7 m €
- 91 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 91 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

SOS Faim
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 370.000 €
- 25 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 5 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)

SOS Villages d'Enfants
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 1,2 m €
- 26 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 11 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Ter Loke
Legacies (2014-2018)
- annual average:  +/- 360.000 €
- 97 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 3 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 3,6 m €
- 20 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 17 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Dierenartsen zonder Grenzen
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 150.000 €
- 12 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 2 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Via Don Bosco
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 300.000 €
- 8 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 4 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Villa Rozerood
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 130.000 €
- 26 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 26 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Vlaamse Vereniging Autisme
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 120.000 €
- 19 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 19 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 100.000 €
- 6 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 4 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

WSM - We Social Movement
Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 60.000 €
- 35 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 1 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Legacies (2014-2018):
- annual average: 3,9 m €
- 35 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 26 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Zoo van Antwerpen
Legacies (2016-2018):
- annual average:  +/- 4,5 m €
- 94 % of gifts+legacies during that period, 94 % of total income 2018
-> Infos Legs (FR)
-> Infos Legaten (NL)

Les informations reprises ci-dessus concernent une cinquantaine d'organisations qui ont bénéficié de legs durant quatre ou cinq années sur la période 2014-2018, et dont les principales données financières sont consultables en ligne.
L'indicateur '% of total income' est biaisé par le fait qu'il compare la moyenne annuelle des legs (2014-2018) avec les revenus globaux 2018.
Ces données ont été collectées dans le cadre de l'édition annuelle du Baromètre de la Générosité publique (Fundraisers Forum).

-> Section 'Sensibilisation interne: supports, message, actions': article suivant

-> Section 'Sensibilisation interne: supports, message, actions': sommaire de tous les articles
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